World has already seen, that there is a wide variety of wave energy conversion devices which can be used to harness the energy captured by a wave power generating system. Some of the existing wave energy devices are built on the shoreline, making the engineering and construction of such schemes much easier, eliminating the need for long underwater cables runs. However, the power density of waves is much less than is available some distance offshore. However, this can be partly compensated for by the concentration of the wave energy.
Offshore devices are situated in much deeper water, with typical depths of more than 30 meters. The wave power available at these deep ocean sites is about three to eight times the wave power available at shoreline sites with a range of completely submerged wave energy conversion devices available for offshore use. The type of wave energy conversion device used in a particular location, depends on the type of device and its distance from the shoreline.
Experiments have shown, that slowly but definitely, varying power generation from ocean waves is possible.
A method of evaluating renewable energy technologies in terms of economy and engineering solutions should be further explored, researched and investigated. The match between the technologies and the fundamental physics of renewable energy sources, can be given in terms of technology's utilization.
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